Sunday, June 7, 2015

TOW #29: Letter to a New APELC Student

So, here you are. You've survived the summer assignment and you now find yourself sitting in #APELC2K16 on the first day of school. Congratulations. The simple act of making it to this point means that you have the grit and determination, and probably the writing talent, to survive this class. That being said, I bet your'e still awfully nervous, with a lot of (rhetorical) questions still bouncing around your head. Are the writing assignments as hard as people say? Are we really expected to write full-length essays in forty minutes or less? Will Yost approve of my fantasy football draft picks?

The answer to these questions? Yes. For all of them. But probably not the last one. The truth is that this a hard class. Undoubtedly harder than Honors English, and maybe even harder than 12th Grade AP Literature. But you already knew that, didn't you? The simple fact that you chose to sign up for this class means that you're already determined enough to succeed in this environment. It also means that you probably consider yourself to be a pretty good writer. And even if you don't think that you are, this class will change that very quickly. As you embark on your journey through this class, there are several pieces of advice you should take to heart, and refer back to whenever the going gets tough.

#APELCTIP #1. Accept the fact that you'll probably do more writing here than in any other class in high school. 

Yes, it's completely true, this is a class that features writing. An awful lot of it. It's not hard to get overwhelmed with the sheer amount of writing that this class requires sometimes. The sooner you can accept that you'll be pushed to your limits as a writer in this class, the easier the year will be.

#APELCTIP #2. Cherish the fact that you'll do so much writing here.

The truth is that doing a lot of writing, and receiving a lot of really good feedback on your writing, is the best way to grow as a writer. That's exactly what this class provides, so appreciate the fact that you will leave this class a better writer than you were when you entered (whether you like it or not!)

#APELCTIP #3. Don't be afraid to seek help from #Yost and #Pronko, or even just drop by to review a draft with them.

Mr. Yost and Mrs. Pronko are your greatest resources as students in this class. They're usually available to review drafts and always appreciate the chance to help students through the writing assignments that they give. And trust me, you'll want to review at least one piece of writing with them during the year (It'll be the Certainty vs. Doubt essay. Consider yourself warned.)

Take these pieces of advice to heart, and you'll be well on your way to success in this class. I wish you the best of luck and hope that this year is as transformative for you as a writer as it was for me. Don't forget: only 254 days until the #APELC Exam!